Course description

This financial management course for cooperatives will allow student to learn strategic planning, organizing, controlling, and monitoring of financial resources to achieve the cooperative's goals while upholding its principles of democracy, equity, and service to its members. Unlike traditional businesses, where the primary objective is profit maximization, cooperatives prioritize the welfare of their members and the community. Financial management ensures that the cooperative remains sustainable and capable of delivering economic and social benefits to its members.

What will i learn?

  • Learn the basics of financial management for cooperatives
  • Learn the basic financial statements
  • Unique aspect of the Cooperative Finance
  • Budgeting and planning principles
  • Financial Statement Analysis, Capital Structure and Fund Management
  • Cooperative Risk Management
  • Government and Financial Oversight, Cooperative Taxation and Legal Complianceand


  • Interest in learning and dedication to finish the course
  • Basic financial statement knowledge is plus but not required

Frequently asked question

No. A newly elected officer, newly hired coop staff, and new member learning about cooperative will find this course helpful

Paterno Romeo Patrimonio

Financial and Management Consultant with clients from different industries. He's a former Bank President of the Consolidated Cooperative Bank, Chairman of the Board, Vice-chair and member of the Board of Director. He is a former top executive of primary Cooperatives in the Philippines, the First Community Cooperative (FICCO) and Agdao Multipurpose Cooperative (AMPC).Designs Financial Model for private power generation companies and water utility companies in the Philippines. Prepares capital budgeting for Electric Cooperatives/distribution utilities CAPEX Plan and designs a number of private company budgeting and monitoring processes. Pat also conducts due diligence examination and validation of rural/cooperative banks for acquisition, mergers or consolidation. He also provide business planning and feasibility study for power generation companies and water utilities.       




Skill level


Expiry period

5 Months



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